Color ui ux conversion
Color ui ux conversion

But in India, it is the color of purity, that brides wear during weddings. Red evokes danger and caution in the Middle East. Thus, a wedding website with a white theme would work great in the US but fail terribly in India.Īnother example of culturally-different perceptions of color is red. In China, Korea, and some Asian countries, however, white is a color worn at funerals and is associated with death, mourning, and bad luck. In the American culture, white is used in weddings and is considered pious. How colors are perceived varies from culture to culture.įor example, while white is universally accepted as a sign of peace, it means different things in different cultures. Thus, you need to make sure you pick colors that appeal to your target demography. But 20 to 30-year-old females have a higher inclination toward cherry red. Similarly, 2 to 10-year-old girls are the most attracted to tiffany blue. Many research studies have proven that.įor example, while teenage guys tend to like denim blue, middle-aged men would prefer pebble black. Your Audience DemographicsĬolor preferences vary according to demographics. Thus, it is important to make sure you pick those colors for your website that match or complement your logo. It would feel foreign and unrelated to your business, to say the least. But if your logo is bright sunny yellow, a blue website won’t look and feel trustworthy. 5 Factors To Consider While Picking Colors For Your Website 1. Well, here are 5 factors to consider while picking the colors for your website. So then what color should your CTA button be? They wouldn’t be doing that if they weren’t getting desirable CTRs, right? However, Optin Monster still uses green CTA buttons. Hubspot saw a 21% increase in CTR after changing the color of its buttons from green to red.

color ui ux conversion

Here’s an example of how the ‘conversion boosting color’ varies from brand to brand.

color ui ux conversion

And neither are the results of the colors. It is 100% true that colors evoke specific sets of emotions in people. The ‘Conversion boosting color’ differs for each brand. Now, if you think finding “the color” that will boost conversion for your website is as simple as a Google query, you are mistaken. How?īy using the right kind of images, text highlight, CTA button colors, etc. You can also leverage color psychology on your business website to boost conversions. But if you believe that color psychology is important only in product design and logo design, think again. Moreover, 93% of shoppers focus on the visual element while making a buying decision.Īlso, colors influence the purchase decision for 85% of customers.įurther colors can also boost brand awareness by 80%.Īll these statistics show that using the right colors is key to your business’s success. Did you know that colors can influence up to 90% of the initial impression?

Color ui ux conversion