Bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus
Bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus

bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus

TIP: Taking notes in meetings or making lists at the beginning of each day can help you avoid forgetting important tasks and discussions. ADHD-related memory issues can affect your performance at work if not appropriately managed.

bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus

This can lead to confusion and frustration when trying to recall important information later. Memory issuesįor people with an ADHD diagnosis, work can mean having trouble remembering details or instructions given during meetings or in conversations with colleagues. If white noise helps you drown out distraction, consider getting a sound machine or playing a white noise playlist. TIP: Discover your triggers so you can avoid them in the office. This can make it challenging to stay on task and complete your work efficiently. You may find you’re easily distracted by things around you, like noise from other people talking or music playing in the background. One of the most common signs of ADHD at work is difficulty staying focused on tasks or conversations.


If you’re concerned you have ADHD that’s interfering with your work, it’s important to speak with a mental health professional who can teach you organization, distraction reduction, and time management skills.” Talkspace therapist Ashley Ertel, LCSW, BCD On the other hand, depending on the day and type of work, periods of hyperfocus may look like extreme productivity. It may present as a messy office space, missed deadlines, difficulty being on time, forgetting to check or respond to emails, or losing important items (pens, notebooks, cellphones, keys, etc.).

bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus

“Having ADHD and a job can be an interesting balancing act.

Bipolar procrastination and hyperfocus